
If you want to learn more about orthodox faith or considering to join our Church - new catechumen group is starting this fall

Starting on Thursday, 12.10.2023 and continuing the meetings on Thursdays every second week until...

Would you like to become an orthodox? - Teaching for catechumens has begun

A catechumen is a person who wishes to become a part of The Apostolic Orthodox Church and prior to...

Address by Archbishop Leo: "God knows the Ukrainian martyrs by name”

Address by Archbishop Leo to a meeting of representatives of three churches on Europe Day,...

Coffee and Orthodox Spirituality event in Tikkurila Orthodox Church 24.4.- At the same time, food and cleaning supplies for Ukrainian refugees can be brought to the church

The Event is on Sunday 24th of April from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Welcome to pray for peace in Ukraine on 18.4.

The event begins with chiming of the church bells for peace.

Bishop Sergei is talking about the war in Ukraine on the newest episode of the podcast Channel of Light (and Darkness)

The episode Acquire a peaceful spirit concentrates on the theme of war and suffering.

The Orthodox Church of Finland (EP) has reacted quickly and effectively to the war in Ukraine

On February 24, Russia shocked the world by attacking the sovereign nation of Ukraine. 

Heliga Lucias Gemenskap in the church of St James and Cathrine (Kotikirkko) arranges a procession 22.8.

Heliga Lucias Gemenskap in the church of St James and Cathrine (Kotikirkko) arranges a procession...